X-Men '97: The Art and Making of the Animated Series

Book Details
ISBN: 978-1419775628 Publisher: Abrams Books Page Count: 224
Format: Hardcover Publication Date : 17/06/2025 (June 17th 2025) Other Editions: N/A
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"Picking up where the original series left off when it aired its final episode in September 1997, this new series features returning cast members and a revamped but familiar art style.
Storyboards, character sketches, vehicle designs, new costumes, stills, animatic frames, cels, and so much more will show every step of the process that the talented team of animators, designers, and storytellers undertook to bring viewers the further adventures of Wolverine, Storm, Bishop, Beast, Jubilee, Cyclops, and the rest of Marvel’s most famous mutants."
Based On: #XMen97
Series: #XMenTheAnimatedSeries #Marvel
Publisher: #AbramsBooks
Studio: #MarvelStudiosAnimation #MarvelStudios #MCU #Disney
Platform: #TV #DisneyPlus
Genre: #SuperHero