The Marvel Art of Alex Maleev

Book Details
ISBN: 978-1951038861 Publisher: Clover Press Page Count: 200
Format: Hardcover Publication Date : US - 01/10/2024 (October 1st 2024) UK - 17/10/2024 (October 17th 2024) Other Editions: N/A
Alex Maleev has won multiple awards and worked in comics since the early 90's, this book takes a look at some of his work at Marvel. See his art for characters like Daredevil and Moon Knight, as well as finding out behind the scenes information. This is part of a series from Clover Press and was crowdfunded on Kickstarter.
Based On: #MarvelComics #Daredevil #JessicaJones #Thor #Spiderman #IronMan #FantasticFour #MoonKnight
Series: #Marvel
Publisher: #CloverPress
Release: #2024
Platform: #Comics
Genre: #SuperHero