The Art of Wolfenstein: Youngblood

Book Details
ISBN: 978-1506716473 Publisher: Dark Horse Page Count: 184
Format: Hardcover Publication Date: 04/06/2020 (June 4th 2020) Other Editions: N/A
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The Wolfenstein series from Machine Games continued with the daughters of BJ Blazkowich, Jess and Soph, for more double machine gun action. Like the previous 2 games in the series, this also came with an artbook from Dark Horse, The Art of Wolfenstein: Youngblood. It includes a look at the art for characters, enemies, environments and weapons, with insights from the development team.
Based On: #WolfensteinYoungblood
Series: #Wolfenstein Publisher: #DarkHorse
Studio: #MachineGames #Bethesda #ArkaneStudios Platform: #Xbox #PC #XboxOne #PlayStation #PS4 Genre: #FPS