The Art of Star Wars: The High Republic: Volume II

Book Details
ISBN: 978-1419771422 Publisher: Abrams Books Page Count: 224
Format: Hardcover Publication Date : 17/06/2025 (June 17th 2025) Other Editions: N/A
This is the second book for Star Wars: The High Republic and showcases the art for Phases II and III of the multimedia series from Lucasfilm Publishing.
Official details below; "Collecting the very latest concept art of the new characters, worlds, ships, and creatures of The High Republic—designed jointly by the Lucasfilm visualists and a team of legendary comic book and Star Wars artists, including Phil Noto, Iain McCaig, and Ario Anindito, among many others—and presented alongside development materials and interviews with The High Republic architects, The Art of Star Wars: The High Republic (Volume II) is an essential guide to the creation, design, and realization of a new era of Star Wars storytelling."
Based On: #StarWarsTheHighRebublic
Series: #StarWars #StarWarsTheHighRebublic
Publisher: #AbramsBooks
Studios: #LucasfilmPublishing #PenguinRandomHouseAudio
Release: #2025
Platform: #Novels #Comics #Audio
Genre: #Action #SciFi #Fantasy