The Art of Spyro: Reignited Trilogy

Book Details
ISBN: 978-1789095647 Publisher: Titan Books Page Count: 244
Format: Hardcover Publication Date: 31/07/2020 (July 31st 2020) Other Editions: N/A
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Toys for Bob brought back the iconic character Spyro and his trilogy of games from the original PlayStation. They remade the games with updated visuals, for fans both old and new. They also revisited the art and designs and that is on full display in this book, created with publisher Titan Books.
In The Art of Spyro: Reignited Trilogy, you'll find concept art and developer notes for the characters, world and of course, dragons!
Based On: #SpyroReignitedTrilogy
Series: #Spyro Publisher: #TitanBooks
Studio: #ToysForBob #Activision Platform: #PlayStation #PC #PS4 #Xbox #XboxOne Genre: #Platformer