The Art of Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Book Details
ISBN: 978-8090928626 Publisher: Xzone Originals Page Count: 300
Format: Hardcover Publication Date: 15/05/2025 (May 15th 2025) Other Editions: N/A
The follow up game to Kingdom Come: Deliverance from Warhorse Studios brings with it another artbook. The Art of Kingdom Come: Deliverance II looks at the art that helped create the game and includes commentary that gives fans an insight into its development. The art will covers many aspects of the RPG, including sketches, technical drawings and detailed images. The book comes with approximately 300 pages with a hardcover and is done in partnership with Xzone Originals, like the previous artbook.
Based On: #KingdomComeDeliverance2
Series: #KingdomComeDeliverance Publisher: #XzoneOriginals
Studio: #WarhorseStudios Platform: #PC #PS5 #XboxSeriesX #PlayStation #Xbox #XboxSeriesS Genre: #RPG