The Art of Dead Space

Book Details
ISBN: 9781781164266 Publisher: Titan Books Page Count: 192
Format: Hardcover Publication Date: 05/02/2013 (February 5th 2013) Other Editions: The Art of Dead Space Limited Edition
Dead Space quickly made its mark as one of the greats in the survival horror genre and this was in part due to the visual design of the games. These designs are the focus in The Art of Dead Space from Titan Books. It is full of the art for the characters, weapons, suits, ships and, of course, the Necromorphs. These concepts are all on display throughout and give players a look at early and unused designs.
Based On: #DeadSpace
Series: #DeadSpace Publisher: #TitanBooks
Studio: #EARedwoodShores #EA #VisceralGames
Platform: #Xbox #PlayStation #PC #Xbox360 #PS3
Genre: #SurvivalHorror #Horror