Marvel Studios' The Infinity Saga The Road to Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War

Book Details
ISBN: 9781803368542 Publisher: Titan Books Page Count: 224
Format: Hardcover Publication Date : 23/12/2025 (December 23rd 2025) Other Editions: N/A
This book is part of the Titan Books rereleases of the Marvel Studios artbooks, originally released alongside the movies by Marvel. It is the 18th book in the series. With the full title Marvel Studios' The Infinity Saga The Road to Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War - The Art of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, this book looks back at previous movies. Each of the prominent characters featured in Avengers: Infinity War get their own showcase with art and insights from the visual development team.
Based On: #AvengersInfinityWar
Series: #MarvelCinematicUniverse #MCU #Avengers #Marvel
Publisher: #TitanBooks
Studio: #MarvelStudios #Disney
Platform: #Movies #DisneyPlus
Genre: #SuperHero #Action #SciFi